Māori Word Lists
Lesson 2
aroha - love, sympathy, compassion
haka - to perform traditional dance; haka, a traditional dance, war dance
hāngi - traditional earth oven
hapū - subtribe; to be pregnant
hīkoi - to walk, step, tread
hoa - friend; partner; spouse
hoki - to go back, return; also, indeed
horoi - to wash, to clean
koroua - elderly man, grandfather
kura - school; treasured item
makawe - hair of the head (human, used in plural: ngā makawe)
mana - prestige, authority
marae - traditional Māori gathering place
motu - island (n); cut (v), cut off (adj)
mutu - be ended, finished (but not necessarily completed)
ora - alive, well, healthy, safe
pā - a fortified settlement (n); to touch (v)
Pākehā - New Zealander of European descent
raro - under, below; time
rohe - district, area, boundary, territory
roto - in, inside, within; lake
tama - son, nephew (term of address for a boy, son: tama)
tāngata - people (plural of tangata)
tangi - to cry; to make a sound
tapu - sacred, holy, under ritual restriction
tau - to land, settle; be calm; to attack; lover; handsome; year; age; number
tēina - younger brothers of a male, younger sisters of a female
tēnei - this (by speaker); this is; this
tipuna - grandparent, ancestor
toa - shop; male animal; expert; to be strong
upoko - head; verse of a song; paragraph; chapter
wāhine - women, wives (plural form of wahine)
waiata - to sing (v); song (n)
waka - vehicle (land, air and sea)