Māori Word Lists
Level 4
a - [a name follows] | Not translatable into an English word; nominal particle, used before names and pronouns: a Mere, a kōrua, a ia.
ahiahi - early evening, afternoon
āhua - shape, form, appearance
āhuatanga - property, characteristic, feature, circumstance (āhua + nominal suffix -tanga)
ai - Not translatable into an English word; verbal particle; used in various subordinate structures, for example relative clauses, adverbials, ...ai
aituā - disaster, accident, misfortune; to suffer a disaster
ake - up, upwards (Various uses and meanings, eg upwards, as in: piki ake, titiro ake; comparative as in: nui ake; own, as in: tōku whānau ake)
ākona - (pass) be learned; be taught (pass. of ako)
akoranga - thing that is taught or learnt; lesson
aku - my, mine (plural form of taku, neutral for possession category)
amuamu - groan, grumble, complain
anake - only, just, alone
anō - again, also (Various meanings, eg again; also, too; self [reflexive] as in: ki a ia anō)
anuanu - disgusting; disgusted
arā - over there, away from us both; that is, namely
ārai - curtain; to screen off, block
āraia - (pass) be warded off
arero - tongue; point of taiaha
ariā - feeling; theory, concept
aro - to face, turn towards, take notice of, pay attention to
aroha - love, sympathy, compassion
āta - gently, carefully, deliberately
ate - liver; seat of affections
atu - away from current orientation
(often not translatable by a separate English word)
āu - your, ā category possession (plural form of tāu)
aua - those (previously mentioned, plural of taua)
autāne - brother-in-law (of a woman)
awhitia - to be embraced (pass - awhi + tia)
e - by; of course; a term of address follows; [in the future]; particle used in a negation
e ai ki - according to, in someone else's opinion
E hē! - No! that's wrong!
e hoa - friend (when speaking to someone)
e hoa mā - friends (when speaking to a group of people)
e noho rā - farewell (said by those leaving), goodbye to people staying
ea - be avenged; be paid for; worth
ehara - exclamation: sure enough, without a doubt; not
eke - to embark, get onto; riding
ekengia - (pass) to be boarded; to be climbed; to be earned
ēnā - those, near you (plural of tēnā)
ēnei - these, near me (plural of tēnei)
ētahi - some, a few (plural of tētahi)
ētehi - some (plural of tētehi, variant of ētahi)
haeata - beam of light; dawn; laser beam
hai - as, for (variant of hei)
Hana - Santa Claus, Father Christmas
hanga - to build, erect, make (v); construction, practice (n)
hangaia - built (hanga + passive suffix -ia)
hāngi - traditional earth oven
hao - to catch in a net, a net
hapa - mistake; supper, dinner
hapū - subtribe; to be pregnant
hara - to make a mistake; mistake
hari - to feel happy; to take or carry
haria - to be carried (hari + passive suffix -a)
haruru - to resound; a heavy sound
hautō - drawer; chest of drawers
hāwhe - half (n); to halve (v)
hē - wrong; error, mistake
hei - at, in, with, for, to, as a; hay; necklace (Various meanings, eg future preposition)
heke - rafter (n); to descend, get off (v)
hekenga - descent (heke + nominal suffix -nga)
heketua - toilet (that you sit on when you're in the wharepaku)
hemo - to pass by, be gone; died, die
here - to tie, to bind (v0: dog lead (n)
herea - tied up (here + passive suffix -a)
hī - to catch fish with a line
hīa - to be fished with a line (pass. of hi)
hika - a term of address for both sexes (eg 'E hika')
hiki - to carry in the arms, to nurse
hīkoi - to walk, step, tread
hine - term of address for a girl: E hine!
hinga - to fall from an upright position; to fall (and not be able to get up again)
hīrere - to rush; waterfall; shower
hoa - friend; partner; spouse
hoatu - to give (away from speaker)
hoe - to paddle, row (v); oar (n)
hōhā - annoyed, bored (adj), a nuisance (n)
hōhonu - deep (adj); depth (n)
hoki - to go back, return; also, indeed
hokia - returned (pass. of hoki)
hokinga - return
(hoki + nominal suffix -nga)
hoko - to buy, sell, purchase
hokona - sold (hoko + passive suffix -na)
homai - give (to the speaker)
hora - display; scatter; spread out
horahia - (pass) be spread out; be displayed
horoi - to wash, to clean
horoia - washed (pass of horoi)
horomia - swallowed (pass. of horomi)
hou - new, modern; feather
huakina - to open (huaki + passive suffix -na)
hurihia - be turned; be changed (pass of huri)
hurihuri - to turn round and round, over and over
i - object of the sentence, from; concerning; in; in the past; on; → | Several uses; not always translatable with a specific English word.
Past tense verb particle: I haere ia ... She went
Past time marker: I tērā wiki ... Last week
Direct object marker: Ka kai ia i te āporo.
Source marker (from): Kua hoki mai au i te kura.
ihi - power, essential force
inu - to drink (v); drink (n)
inumia - [the liquid was] drunk (inu + mia; pass)
ipu - container, bowl; drinking glasses
iri - to be hanging; rest upon
ita - held firm; be committed
ka - will happen | Verbal particle with a range of meanings; not directly translated with an English word
kahakina - (pass) be hijacked; be kidnapped
kāhore - Negative used for verb sentences
kāhu - harrier; hawk; chief
kāhui - group; cluster; flock
kahurangi - dark blue; woman of high status or rank
kaihautū - leader; bus driver, pilot, truck driver
kaiiwi - strangers, foreigners
kaikōrero - speaker, orator (kai- + kōrero)
kaimahi - worker, employee (kai- + mahi)
kaitā - big, sturdy of build
kaitaka - fine cloak with ornamental border; whipping-top
kaitākaro - player, sportsperson
(kai- + tākaro)
kaitiaki - caretaker, caregiver (kai- + tiaki)
kaka - hair; fibre; ridge; dress
kakama - quick; active; smart, clever
kamokamo - twinkle; marrow, squash (the vegetable)
kāngia - (pass) be lit, be burnt
kāore - negative used for verb sentences
kapa - group, row of people, as in: kapa haka
kape - photocopy, copy; crescent (shape)
kapi - to be covered or occupied (of space), filled with
kapo - to grasp, snatch; flash; lightning
kāti - stop! (as in: kāti te tangi)
kauaka - Negative word, do not (variant of kaua; eg:
Kauaka e tangi)
kaupapa - topic, theme, plan, subject
kāuta - cooking shed, cookhouse
kāwanatanga - government (kāwana + nominal suffix -tanga)
kawea - brought (kawe + passive suffix -a)
kawenga - load, luggage, burden
(kawe + nominal suffix -nga)
kē - already; different; other; differently; rather; strange; actually
kei - Various uses, meanings, eg:
preposition, present time and place location; at the moment; it might be that...
ki - to, at, →; | Has various uses and meanings
kia - may you be; may we be; let it be that; | Various uses, meanings. Often not translatable by an English word.
kia ora - hello; thank you; be well
Kia ū! - Be resolute, unyielding!
kimihia - sought; look for! (kimi + passive suffix -hia)
kitea - seen (kite + passive suffix -a)
kitenga - observation, seeing (kite + nominal suffix -nga)
kiwi - native bird of Aotearoa
ko - is, are (Various uses; not usually translatable with an English word), [equals], [topic marker]
kohete - scold, reprimand, rebuke
kohi - to collect, gather together
kohia - (pass) be collected; be gathered
kōkiri - to charge, rush at, to thrust forward, attack
koko - scoop; shovel; spoon; corner (of a room, house, etc)
konā - there, by listener
koneke - rollerblades; skating; sledge; to slide along
kopa - disappear; crippled; sandal; wallet; schoolbag
kōpere - a dart; a sling; rainbow
kōpure - blotchy, spotted; ladybird
koraha - open country; desert; mud-flats
kōrerotia - spoken (kōrero + passive suffix -tia)
koro - term of address for an elderly man, grandfather (E koro)
koroua - elderly man, grandfather
koru - coiled; shape of fern shoot
kota - cockle-shell; sawdust
kotikara - finger; fingernail; toe; toenail
kotikoti - cut to pieces; divide lands; striped
kotiti - be displaced; move aside
koutou - you, three or more people
kōwhai - yellow; a native tree
kua - then; have; has; had | Verbal particle; indicating completed action or movement into a state
kuhu - to enter, to go or come in
kuhua - (pass) be entered; be put on (clothes)
kui - Term of address for an elderly woman (eg 'E kui'.)
kuia - elderly woman, grandmother
kūmara - kūmara, sweet potato
kura - school; treasured item
māhau - for you
(variant of māu)
mahia - worked (mahi + passive suffix -a)
mahue - to be left behind (trans)
mai - towards the speaker in space or in orientation; to here
māia - capable, brave, bold
maika - banana (also panana)
makawe - hair of the head (human, used in plural: ngā makawe)
māmā - mother (n); easy, simple (adj)
māna - for him, her, by him, her
manaaki - to look after, to show hospitality towards
mania - slippery; smooth; to slide
Māori - indigenous people of Aotearoa/New Zealand
marae - traditional Māori gathering place
mārika - indeed, quite, certainly; āe mārika
mārō - hard (of texture, personality), firm
matā - flint; blade; lead; bullet; earwig
mātakitaki - to watch, to observe, examine, inspect
mātau - to know, understand
matawā - clock; live broadcast
mate - to be sick, ill, dead
māti - match (to light a fire)
matikuku - claw; fingernail; toenail; hoof
mātou - we, us (three or more people, excluding the person/ people addressed)
mātua - parents, fathers (plural form of matua)
māu - for you, by you; ā category possession
māua - we, us (two people, excluding addressee)
mauria - to be carried (mau + passive suffix -ria)
me - and, should, with (various meanings, uses, eg with, like, should)
mea - a thing (n); to say (v)
mehemea - if (presuming not; cf. ki te, if, expressing simple uncertainty)
mīharo - to wonder at; amazing
mihi - to greet; thank; acknowledge
mimiti - dried up; swallowed up
minamina - desire, wish for mine be gathered together
miri - rub; stroke; soothe; wipe
mō - for, unrealised, ō category possession, about
moata - early; early morning
moeroa - sleepyhead; to sleep in
mōhiotanga - knowledge
(mōhio + nominal suffix -tanga)
mōhiotia - known (mōhio + passive suffix -tia)
mohoa - to the present time
moke - solitary; solitary person
mōkī - tie in a bundle; raft made of flax stalks; package
mōku - for me, unrealised, o category possession
momoe - keeping the eyes shut
mōna - for him, her, unrealised, o category possession
more - bare; plain, not decorated; toothless
motokia - (pass) be struck with fist
moumou - waste (n): to be wasteful (v)
muku - wipe, rub; rubber (stationery)
mutu - be ended, finished (but not necessarily completed)
mutunga - end (mutu + noun ending -nga)
nā - Various meanings, eg by, belonging to (ā category), by way of
nāku - mine, realised possession,
it was done by me (ā category)
nāna - by him, her, belonging to him, her
nāwai - presently, in due course, after a while
nē - tag question, translated variously depending on the English structure; eh?
ngākau - heart, as in seat of the affections and feelings
ngaki - avenge; to plant; to weed
ngaro - to be lost, missing, gone, hidden (trans)
ngata - snail (n); to be satisfied (v)
Ngāti - tribal name prefix (as in: Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu)
ngāwari - kind, pleasant of personality; easy
noa - free from tapu; only, just, merely
nohoia - (pass) be sat upon, be inhabited
nōku - mine, realised possession, ō category
nuinga - majority (nui + nominal suffix -nga)
nunui - big (plural form)
ō - your, one person, neutral category possession, plural
ohorere - to start suddenly, be startled; surprised
oka - chef's knife, dagger; prick; stab; yam
ōku - mine, plural, ō category possession
ōna - his, her, plural, ō category possession
ope - group travelling together
ora - alive, well, healthy, safe
oranga - health, life
(ora + nominal suffix -nga)
ōrite - to be the same as
otaota - vegetation, herbs, grass, weeds
otirā - but, on the other hand
ōu - yours, one person, ō category possession, plural
pā - a fortified settlement (n); to touch (v)
pahū - drum (n); blow up, explode (v)
pai - good (adj); to like (v); good
painga - benefit, skill, good qualities
(pai + nominal suffix -nga)
pakanga - to fight, battle, war, hostility
pakaru - broken (applied to a thing not a body part) (trans)
Pākehā - New Zealander of European descent
pakeke - hard, stiff (adj); to grow up (v); age, adult, elder (n)
paketai - driftwood; anything cast up by the sea
pakipaki - to applaud, to clap; applause
pakō - blistered; make a loud sound
panā - (pass) be driven away, be expelled
paneke - goal (in sport); to score; to advance
pangā - (pass) be thrown; be passed
pani - orphan (n); to be orphaned (v): to smear, spread out (v)
pānui - to read; to publish, advertise; notice, advertisement
pānuitia - read; advertised (pass of pānui)
pao - break; sing; a type of song; strike, pound
paoa - smoke (from a fire)
paoka - fork; pierce; stab
papai - good (plural), very good
para - blood relation; pollen; sediment; waste material
pare - to ward off, to divert
pātai - question; to ask a question
pātaia - (pass) be asked; be questioned
pātaka - elevated storehouse; pantry
patu - to strike, hit; to kill
patua - hit/killed (patu + passive suffix -a)
pātuhi - text message, to text
pau - to be consumed, used up completely, all gone (trans)
pēnā - like that, near listener
pēnei - like this, near speaker
pepeha - proclamation of origin
pēwhea - how? (variant of pēhea)
pīkau - backpack; carry on back; take responsibility for
pīngao - seaside plant used in weaving; kodak yellow
piri - to stick to, to cling
pito - belly button, end, extremity
piupiu - flax skirt (worn as part of traditional costume, eg in kapa haka)
pōhēhē - to think mistakenly, be mistaken
poi - poi, small, soft ball on string
poka - hole (n); to make a hole in, to pierce (v)
pona - cord; knot, tie in knot; ankle; knuckle
pōro - ball (also 'paoro')
porowhita - circle, round (variant of porohita)
pōtiki - child; youngest child
pūhā - green spinach-like vegetable
pūhia - (pass) be blown; be shot
puia - hot spring; volcano
pūkaea - large wooden wind instrument
pūkana - stare with bulging eyes (fierce facial expressions used in actions songs and haka)
pūkenga - skills, skill, expertise, lecturer
puni - camp; company; crowd; dam
puoro - to sing, to rumble
pupuritia - be held, be retained, kept possession of, gripped (pass of pupuri)
pūrere - appliance, machine (electric) (n); to escape (v)
puta - to appear, to come out
putanga - opening, exit
(puta + nominal suffix -nga)
pūtea - budget, resources, money
pūtiki - knot; to knot; topknot
putu - to heap up; a heap, pile
pūwhā - green spinach-like vegetable
rā - day; the sun; over there
rahi - large, numerous, great, big
rāhui - ban, place a ban; reserve
raka - yonder, over there; agile; lock
rango - fly, blowfly (n); to hear (v)
rangona - to be heard (passive form of rongo)
rapa - to look for (v); rubber (n)
raro - under, below; time
raru - trouble; to be in difficulty, in trouble
raruraru - trouble, problem; be in difficulty, in trouble
rata - friendly, at ease (adj); calm (n); to like (v)
rātau - them; they (three or more people)
rātou - they, them, three or more people
rātou ko - and also (joining 3 or more names eg. Bob, Jim and Fred)
rāua - them; they (two people)
rāua ko - and joining 2 names eg. Jim and Fred
raupatu - conquest; confiscate; take by force
rawa - Various meanings, eg too, quite, very; really
rēhia - pleasure, amusement
reira - there (previously mentioned)
rerenga - sentence; flight, journey, voyage
rīhi - dish; dishes; lease
riro - gone away; to be awarded: acquired, obtained
rite - to be ready, like, similar
roanga - length of time
(roa + nominal suffix -nga)
rohe - district, area, boundary, territory
rongo - to hear, perceive, feel
roto - in, inside, within; lake
rumaki - immerse, immersion; dip; drown; bury
rūri - ruler; survey (land)
rutu - bump, throw down, tackle
tae - to reach, arrive (v); colour (n)
taea - to be able, to be achieved (tae + passive suffix -a)
tāhau - your, ā category possession, singular (variant of tāu)
tahu - burn; cook; light (set on fire); husband, wife; lover
tāhuhu - subject of a sentence
taka - to come around in a cycle; to fall from a height
takahi - trample; tread; stamp; disobey, violate
tākai - bind; wrap up; bandage
takakino - act hurriedly; to abuse; to debase; to spoil
takere - bottom (of sea, river); hull; keel
taketake - base; ancient; original; lasting
taki - to lead, to bring along
tākiri - draw away quickly; untie; pull out; strike (a match)
takitaki - appear; provoke; revenge; look for; recite
taku - my (singular); edge
tama - son, nephew (term of address for a boy, son: tama)
tamariki - children (plural form of tamaiti)
tana - his/her (neutral category); ton
tāngata - people (plural of tangata)
tangi - to cry; to make a sound
tangohia - pick up! (command); taken away (tango + passive suffix -hia)
tāniko - ornamental border of cloak or mat
taniwha - monster, traditional guardian of bodies of water
taokete - brother-in-law (of a male), sister-in-law (of a female)
tāpae - to present; put before one
tapahia - cut! to be cut (tapahi + passive suffix -a)
tapaia - (pass) be named; be recited
tapu - sacred, holy, under ritual restriction
tara - point; spike; peak; wall; sea bird
tari - government department; office
tāria - (pass) be waited for; be expected; after a time
taro - presently, by and by (as in: taro ake)
taru - grass; vegetation; thing
tātai - to arrange, to set in order
tātou - we, us, inclusive, three or more people
tāu - your (singular + one item)
tau - to land, settle; be calm; to attack; lover; handsome; year; age; number
taua - that, previously mentioned (singular)
tauhou - strange, unfamiliar; stranger
taumaha - difficult of spirit or health; to be heavy (s), weight (n)
taumata - grade, level of achievement
taunga - to be accustomed to, familiar with
te - the, singular definite article
teihana - TV channel; railway station
teina - younger sibling, same sex
teitei - tall, high, lofty; height (object)
teka - lying (v); lie (n)
tēnā - that, by the listener
tēnā koe! - hello! (to one person); thank you
tēnei - this (by speaker); this is; this
tērā - that over there, that
tere - to flow, float, move quickly; fast
tētahi - a, one specific thing
tētehi - a, one specific thing (variant of tētahi)
tiaki - to look after, to care for
tika - to be right, correct, straight, in order
tikanga - reason, meaning, right way of doing things, custom (tika + nominal suffix -nga)
tīkina - be fetched (tiki + passive suffix -na (note the first i is lengthened)
tīmatanga - beginning
(tīmata + nominal suffix -nga)
timu - ebb tide; shoulder; end
tinei - turn off, extinguish
tipua - a person of high status
tīpuna - grandparents (plural form of tipuna)
tipuna - grandparent, ancestor
tirohanga - view, sight, aspect (tiro + nominal suffix -hanga)
tō - your (singular); to drag
tō māua - our (singular, his or hers and mine)
tō rātou - their (singular - three or more people)
tō rāua - their (singular, two people)
tō tātou - our, all of our, belonging to everyone
toa - shop; male animal; expert; to be strong
toe - to remain, be left over
toenga - leftovers, remnants (toe + nominal suffix -nga)
toha - distribute; allocate
tohe - to be persistent, stubborn (s), to object, argue, protest (v)
tohea - (pass) be argued about
tohi - divide, separate; ceremony for newborn baby
tohu - a qualification, eg degree
tohungia - (pass) be marked; be preserved; be pointed out
tohutohu - to instruct; to guide, direct; instructions, directions
toitū - entire; permanent; undisturbed
toki - adze, axe; champion
tokotoko - walking stick (without a handle)
tono - to apply for, to order (v):
an application (n)
tonoa - sent (tono + passive suffix -a)
topea - (pass) be cut down; be cut off
tōpū - couple, pair; assembled
torohū - secret; secretly; stealthily
toti - limp (walk with difficulty)
tōtika - straight, direct, right
tōu - your, ō category possession, singular
tū - stand; to be wounded; a wound
tuāhine - female cousins or sisters of a male
tuākana - older brothers of a male; older sisters of a female
tuhi - to write; to indicate, point out
tuhia - written; write! (tuhi + passive suffix -a)
tuhinga - writing, text
(tuhi + nominal suffix -nga)
tuitui - fasten up; sew, to stitch
tuke - elbow; jerk; knock; angle
tuki - to hit, to knock, to beat, to pound; crash
tukia - be hit; be pounded; be attacked, be crashed into; be bumped (pass of tuki)
tuku - to put off, to leave aside
tukua - let go! to be released (tuku + passive suffix -a)
tukuoro - speaker (eg bluetooth speaker)
tūmanako - to hope for, anticipate, expect, wish for
tumeke - to take fright, surprise
tunua - (pass) be roasted; be baked
tūpato - to be careful; caution, cautious
tupu - to grow, develop; a plant, shoot
(variant of tipu)
tupuna - ancestor; grandparent
tūpuna - grandparents (plural form of tupuna; variant of tīpuna)
tūranga - stopping place (as in: tūranga pahi bus stop; tū + nominal suffix -ranga)
turi - deaf; knee; disobedient
tūria - be established (pass. of tū)
tūru - chair, seat, stool
tūtaki - to meet; to close up, to block (v); meeting (n)
tūtuki - to crash; to strike against; collide; bump
tūturu - fixed, permanent, definite; to be true, real, original
ū - breast, udder (n); to be devoted (v)
uaua - difficult (adj); muscle, vein, artery (n)
uira - lightning; to flash
uku - to wash; soap; clay
umere - to shout (in wonder, in appreciation)
upoko - head; verse of a song; paragraph; chapter
uri - descendant, offspring
uta - to load; shore; inland; the land; to load
utu - cost, price; to pay for
utua - be revenged; be paid (pass of utu)
wae - foot; leg; separate
waenga - middle, dividing line
waero - hair of dog's tail; tail
waha - load, burden; to carry on the back; mouth
wāhi - part, portion; place
wāhine - women, wives (plural form of wahine)
waho - out, outside, the outside
waiata - to sing (v); song (n)
waiho - to remain, rest; to leave behind
waimarie - lucky, fortunate; luck, good fortune
waka - vehicle (land, air and sea)
waru - eight; to scrape, to peel
wātea - to be clear, unoccupied, available, free of obstruction
wawe - early, soon, quickly
wehe - to depart, leave; to separate, divide
wehi - terrible (adj); to be afraid (v)
wera - to burn; burnt; hot, heat
whai - to follow, to chase; to have, to acquire
whāia - chased (pass of whai - note lengthening of first vowel)
whakahaere - to run something, manage, make something go
whakahokia - returned (whakahoki + passive suffix -a), returned
whakakaha - to strengthen; charge a cellphone
whakamā - to be embarrassed, ashamed
whakamahi - to put someone to work, to make someone work
whakamaua - be fixed; put on (pass of whakamauto)
whakapai - to improve, to fix up, bless, cleaning
whakaputa - to make something come out, to appear
whakatā - to rest (v); relaxed (adj)
whakatere - buoy up; steer; sail,, navigate, float, accelerate
whakatika - to straighten, to correct, to fix
whakatūria - erected (whakatū + passive suffix -ria)
whakaū - establish; support; confirm
whakautua - (pass) be replied to; be responded to
whakawā - accuse; condemn; to judge; appraise
whakawiri - be anxious; tremble; twist; wring
whāki - to reveal, to disclose, to confess
whanake - cabbage tree; to spring; grow
whānau - family; to be born, be born
whanaunga - relative, relation (whānau + nominal suffix -nga - note the short first vowel)
whanga - to wait (v); harbour (n)
whāngai - to feed, to foster (v); fostered child (n)
whati - broken, snapped; break, snap; run away; turn
whatu - to weave, knit; eye
whāwhā - to fiddle with, to touch
wheua - bone (usually of an animal)
whiti - to cross; shine, rise
whitia - (pass) be crossed over; be jumped over; be recited; be shone on
whiu - to be satisfied; to throw; to be filled
whiwhi - to be in possession of; acquire, obtain, to get